Learning Development offers a range of free services to all enrolled students to improve their academic performance or English language skills. There are a number of workshops available including: essay and report writing, critical reading for assignments, effective referencing, grammar, study skills and exam preparation.

Learning Development Workshop Part 2
Sydney Business School
UOW, Sydney CBD Campus, Seminar Room 2, Level 8
Learning Development
Individual consultations are also available to discuss a student's academic work - appointment are essential. This can be face-to-face, online, Skype, or by telephone. Please bear in mind that this is a teaching service, not a proof reading service.
For individual consultations at the Sydney CBD Campus, students can contact Joanne Dearlove on +61 2 8536 2000 or email joanne_dearlove@uow.edu.au. For individual consultations at the Wollongong Campus, students can contact Leanne Emmett on +61 2 4221 3977 or email leanne_emmett@uow.edu.au.
Learning Development resources are also available to students on the Learning Development website.
Learning Development Workshop Part 2
Campus: UOW Sydney Business School, Sydney CBD Campus
When: Sunday, 26 May 2019, 13.00-17.00
Where: Seminar Room 2, L8