Landslide Images
Slow Moving Slides
Site 35
Old Lawrence
Hargrave Drive - Clifton to Coalcliff bends. Rear main scarp of slide affecting pavement and shoulder. May 1988.
Site 36
Hargrave Drive, Clifton, April 1988. Pavement dislocation resulting from slide movement triggered by heavy rainfall. Photo by Associate Professor Chris Fergusson.
Lawrence Hargrave Drive, Clifton, May 1988. Further dislocation of pavement due to ongoing slide movement triggered by heavy rainfall. Photo by Associate Professor Chris Fergusson.
Site 38
Clifton Hill, Lawrence Hargrave Drive. Rear main scarp of large landslide intersects road pavement. May 1989. Photo courtesy of local resident Mr. Charlie Goodman
Site 39
Moronga Park - rear main slide scarp downslope of lookout area.
Site 77
Major structural damage to
house on Morrison Avenue during 1974. Damage resulted from house straddling landslide margin. Photo by Ann Young.
Damage to houses resulting from slide movement, Morrison
Avenue, Wombarra. Photo taken in 1974 by Ann Young.
Damage to the pavement of Morrison Avenue, April 1990. Photo by Phil Flentje
Oblique aerial view of the site 77 landslide. Morrison Avenue, then lots 1 to 6. This photo apeared in the Soil Slope Instability and Stabilisation book edited by Walker and Fell, in the Chapter
by Walker, Amaral and MacGregor which discussed landslides in the Coledale area.
Landslide displacement scarps developed across the rear garden area within site 77. These scarps are caused by internal dislocation and movement of the slide material over a sloping and irregular
bedrock surface.
Site 124
Slide of colluvium material out onto Cope Place. Photo taken by Ann Young in May
Site 128
Slide of colluvium and coal wash fill material below Alanson
Avenue. Photo taken by Ann Young in May 1974.
Site 338
Landslide above Harry Graham Drive
north of Mount Kembla village. Photo taken by Polair and the Geotechnical Team, 21st August 1998.
Site 340
Landslide on the northeastern side of Mount Kembla above the Fire Trail. Close up photo shows a debris flow area within the larger slide mass. Photo taken by Polair and the Geotechnical Team,
21st August 1998.
Site 343
moving landslide rear main scarp intersects the Mout Keira fire trail. Displacement approximately 30cm. Photo taken by Phil Flentje on the 28th August 1998. View 1 of 2.
Slow moving landslide rear
main scarp intersects the Mout Keira fire trail. Photo taken by Phil Flentje on the 28th August 1998. View 2 of 2.
Site 355
Head scarp area of large slide which
moved during August 1998 rainstorm event. Photo taken by Phil Flentje on the 25th October 2004
Site 476
Landslide affecting the rear garden
of properties on the south side of Georges Road, Bulli after 1974 landslide. Photo by Ann Young.
Site 550
A man induced landslide, 10am 5th April 2004 during heavy rainfall. Collapse of a 3m high unsupported excavation and slope above onto rear of house. Photo taken by Phil Flentje in April 2004.