Engineering research is supported by well equipped laboratories and workshops and a highly skilled team of support staff. There is a major off-campus facility for large scale research projects. The use of resources by external collaborators from industry is encouraged and enquiries are invited.
Special facilities include
- Instrumented Charpy V Noch Testing machine
- Advanced computer controlled welding systems
- The latest robotic and automation systems
- High speed data acquisition
- High speed video and cine cameras
- 3kW diode laser
- Welding fume measurement system
- Friction stir welding system
- TIG Additive manufacturing facility
- Fully instrumented 750J Charpy impact tester
- 100KN 8801 Axial Servohydrolic Dynamic Testing system (Tensile, bending, fatigue, CTOD, etc)
- Scanning electron microscopes
- Electron back scattering diffraction unit
- Transmission electron microscope
- Atomic force microscope
- X-ray diffraction
- Optical microscopy and metallography
- Mechanical testing
- Nanoindenter+AFM
- Hille 100 rolling mill
- Mini rolling mill
- Thin foil rolling mill
- Nanoindenter+AFM
- CETR Pin on disc wear tester for high temperature testing
- High temperature roller on disc friction and wear test rig
- Slew bearing condition monitoring test rig
- Hardness testing
- GLEEBLE thermo-mechanical simulator
- Thermal analysis suite (DSC, dilatometry, DTA)
- High temperature laser confocal microscope
- Plasma nitriding system
- Filtered arc deposition system
- Wear testing machines
- 10kW gyrotron for microwave processing
- Chemo-mechanical synthesis equipment
- Refractory testing
- High temperature sessile drop measurement equipment
- Hille 100 rolling mills
- Mini rolling mill
- Thin foil rolling mill
- Ultra high vacuum pulsed laser deposition (UHV-PLD) system
- Terahertz facility
- Magnetic properties and physical properties measurement systems (MPMS and PPMS)
- ICP-OES Spectrometer for chemical analysis
- Electron beam evaporation facility with XPS, auger, x-ray modules
- High resolution SEM/EBL system
- High magnetic field materials processing and characterisation system
- Large scale cylindrical tri-axial apparatus with dynamic actuator (300 mm in diameter)
- Large scale cyclic prismoidal tri-axial rig with unrestrained sides (600x600x800 mm)
- Large scale consolidatometer (650 mm in diameter for soft soil testing)
- GDS controlled tri-axial apparatus
- Cyclic filtration apparatus (240 mm in diameter)
- California instruments 30 kVA programmable arbitrary waveform generator
- 100 kW, 3000rpm, 1000Nm 4-quadrant dynamic dynamometer
- Power quality analysers (including Hioki 3198 Power Quality Analyzers, Dranetz-BMI Power Xplorer PX5 and Elspec G4500 BLACKBOX Portable Power Quality Analyzer)
- Tektronix PA4000 Power Analyzer
- PMM 7000 EMI pre-compliance receiver and PMM L3-64 three-phase 64 A artificial mains network
- 100 pF, 100 kV standard capacitor and 1000:1 voltage divider
- 3 x 4.5 kW Chroma Electronic Loads
- 3 x 5 kW Terra Solar Array Simulators
- 500kN instron universal testing machine
- Large capacity drop hammer machines
- California instruments 30 kVA programmable arbitrary waveform generator
- 100 kW, 3000rpm, 1000Nm 4-quadrant dynamic dynamometer
- Power quality analysers (including Hioki 3198 Power Quality Analyzers, Dranetz-BMI Power Xplorer PX5 and Elspec G4500 BLACKBOX Portable Power Quality Analyzer)
- Tektronix PA4000 Power Analyzer
- PMM 7000 EMI pre-compliance receiver and PMM L3-64 three-phase 64 A artificial mains network
- 100 pF, 100 kV standard capacitor and 1000:1 voltage divider
- 3 x 4.5 kW Chroma Electronic Loads
- 3 x 5 kW Terra Solar Array Simulators
- 350 MHz Oscilloscope with probes to measure 150 A & 1kV
- Power loggers for distribution boards capable of simultaneous measurement of up to 30 single phase loads
- Netzch Heat Flow Meter (300 mm x 300 mm Sample size)Setaram uSC microcalorimeter
- High Resolution Thermographic Camera (640x480) with video capture function.
- 6 Retrotecc High Capacity Blower Door systems for building air permeability testing
- 3M EVM series portable air quality logging systems (incl. Particulates, VOC, COx , NOx)
- Testso 480 Loggers equipped with probes for Indoor Environment Quality & HVAC Measurement
- TSI Flow Hoods for HVAC balancing
- Bruel & Kjaer Sound Intensity measurement system (2270-G4)
Small-Strain Hollow Cylinder Apparatus
Cyclic simple shear apparatus
- Unsaturated tri-axial apparatus
- Static/cyclic tri-axial apparatus
- Back pressure shear box apparatus
- GDS cyclic process simulation apparatus
- Ring shear apparatus
- High Pressure Tri-axial Apparatus
- Scanning electron microscope with EDXS
- Field emission gun scanning electron microscope with EDXS and EBSD
- Texture goniometer
- Dustiness testing via AS4156 and I.S. EN15051
- Simulation research hub comprising 8- and 12-core workstations
- Dynamic/impact testing and calibration of bulk materials for DEM simulation modelling
- Large-scale direct shear tester with variable shear rate and displacement
- Arching and flow rate indicizers
- Particle and bulk material characterisation, including laser diffraction particle size analyser
- Treatment Planning Systems for Radiation Therapy (Pinnacle, Eclipse and HDR brachytherapy)
- Nuclear spectroscopy shielded room for radiation detector investigation
- Characterisation facilities for semi-conductor and scintillator based radiation detectors
- Computer cluster for Monte Carlo radiation transport simulations (GEANT, EGS, Beam, Pinnacle, MCNP)
- Electronic DAQ system designed laboratory for medical devices (fast picoseconds resolution VCR, FPGS programming and testing equipment)
- Phantom design and fabrication laboratory (mechanical machinery tools, Autocad station)
- Clean room for semi-conductor radiation detector assembly and investigation
- PET computer control gantry for relocating different designed PET detector modules
- DARwIn-OP Humanoid Robot
- Robotis Bioloid; Humanoid robot frame (and associated motor kits)
- GPS Differential data logger
- MVN BIOMECH 3D Motion suit for Human Kinematics
- MTw Development Kit (10 sensors) Wireless motion trackers set
- 2D Experimental Pneumatic motion stage (with Festo compressor)
- Oculus VR Head Mounted Display (3 units)
- Virtuix Omni Directional Treadmill
- Amedeo Hand Arm Rehabilitation robot
- Full scaled quarter car test platform
- Horizontal vibration table
- Small scaled 3-stories building
- Table drill
- Rheometer
- CO2 laser engraving system (lab 6.225)
- Laser micromachining system –ALPHA Series Ultra-compact Micro-machining System, Oxford Lasers
- High DC power (600V) (lab 6.225)
- Plasma cleaner (Lab 6.225)
- Spin coater (lab 6.225)
- Fluorescent microscope (Lab 6.225)
- Electrochemical polymer deposition system
- 3D printing systems
- Projet 3510 HDPlus, 3D Systems printer
- Up Plus 2 3D printers
- Up Plus 3D printer
- Cube 3D printers
- Velleman K8200 3D printer
- 3D Scanner
- 3D Magnetic manipulation/levitation system
- Helmholtz coils
- Power Amplifiers (Sinocera YE5873H, YE5872H)
- Thorlabs optical table (PTM51508, PTP603) and instruments
- Lakeshore Gaussmeter (460 3-channel)
- Aim & TTi 1604 digital multimeter
- GW Instek DC power supply GPC-3030D
- Laser displacement measurement system
- E-corder 821 DAQ and analysis system
- Micro-Epsilon laser displacement sensors optoNCD1700
- Dual mode lever arm force measurement system
- Aurora Scientific force sensor 300C
- Digital Camera Nikon D5100
- Stereomicroscope Nikon SMZ1000
- Dielectric Elastomer actuation and testing system
- High-speed high-voltage power amplifier - TREK model 10/10B-HS
- GW Instek Oscilloscope (GDS-2104)
- Function generators
- E-corder 410 DAQ and analysis system
- Agilent Technologies E4980A Precision LCR Meter, 20 Hz to 2 MHz
Please note the following equipment is located at collaborating hospitals:
- Modern radiation oncology modalities:
- Brachytherapy equipment
- CT scanners