CMRP Geant4-based journal articles
J. Livingstone, D. A. Prokopovich, L. T. Tran, S. Guatelli, M. Petasecca, M. L. F. Lerch, M. I. Reinhard, V. L. Perevertaylo, J. F. Ziegler, M. Zaider and A. B. Rosenfeld , “Charge Collection in n-SOI Planar Microdosimeters”. IEEE Trans Nucl.Sci., 2013 (accepted )
K. Li, M. Safavi-Naeini, D.R. Franklin, M. Petasecca, S. Guatelli, A.B. Rosenfeld, B. F. Hutton and M.L.F. Lerch, “A Feasibility Study of PETiPIX: An Ultra High Resolution Small Animal PET Scanner” , JINST, accepted.
S. Guatelli, “Radiotherapy based on α emitting radionuclides: Geant4 for dosimetry and micro-, nano- dosimetry”, IAEA Technical Meeting on Alpha Therapy Report, 2013.
M. Safavi-Naeini, Z. Han, D. Cutajar, S. Guatelli, M. Petasecca, MLF Lerch, DR Franklin, J. Bucci, M. Zaider, AB Rosenfeld, "BrachyView, A Novel In-Body Imaging System for HDR Prostate Brachytherapy: Design and Monte Carlo Feasibility Study", Medical Physics, Vol. 40, June 2013.
H. Byrne, A. L. McNamara, W. Domanova, S. Guatelli and Z. Kuncic, “Radiation damage on sub-cellular scales: beyond DNA”, Physics in Medicine and Biology, Vol. 58, pp 1251-1267, 2013.
J. Davis, K. Ganesan, A. D. C. Alves, S. Guatelli, M. Petasecca, J. Livingstone, M. L. F. Lerch, D. A. Prokopovich, M. I. Reinhard, R. N. Siegele, S. Prawer, D. Jamieson, Z. Kuncic, V. L. Pisacane, J. F. Dicello, J. Ziegler, M. Zaider, A. B. Rosenfeld, "Characterisation of a novel diamond-based microdosimeter prototype for radioprotection applications in space environments", IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, Vol. 59(6), pp. 3110-3116, 2012.
Z. Kuncic, H. L. Byrne, A. L. McNamara, S. Guatelli, W. Domanova and S. Incerti, "In silico Nanodosimetry: new insights into non targeted biological responses to radiation", Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine, Volume 2012 (2012), Article ID 147252, 9 pages.
C. Y. Huang, S. Guatelli, B. M. Oborn, B. J. Allen, "Microdosimetry for Targeted Alpha Therapy of Cancer", Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 6, 2012.
C. Y. Huang, B. M. Oborn, S. Guatelli, B. J. Allen, "Monte Carlo calculation of the maximum therapeutic gain of tumor anti-vascular alpha therapy ", Med. Phys. , Vol. 39(3), 1282 (2012).
A. McNamara, S. Guatelli, D. Prokopovich, M. Reinhard and A. B. Rosenfeld, "A comparison of X-ray and proton beam low energy secondary electron track structures using the low energy models of Geant4", Int. Jorn. Rad. Biol., Vol. 88, 164 (2012).
P. Lazarakis, M. U. Bug, E. Gargioni, S. Guatelli, H. Rabus and A. B. Rosenfeld, "Systematic uncertainty of calculated nanodosimetric parameters investigated by comparison of Geant4-DNA and PTB
Monte Carlo codes", Phys. Med. Biol.,Vol. 57, 1231 (2012).
P. Lazarakis, M. Bug, E. Gargioni, S. Guatelli, H. Rabus and A.B. Rosenfeld, "Effect of a static magnetic field on nanodosimetric quantities in a DNA volume", Int. Jour. Rad. Biol., Vol. 88, 183 (2012).
C. P. L. Lian, M. A. R. Othman, D. Cutajar, M. Butson, S. Guatelli and A. B. Rosenfeld, "Monte Carlo study of the energy response and depth dose water equivalence of the MOSkin " radiation dosimeter at clinical kilovoltage photon energies", Austral. Phys. & Engin. Sci. in Med., Vol. 34 (2), 273 (2011).
C. Huang, S. Guatelli, B. M. Oborn, B. J. Allen, "Background dose for systemic Targeted Alpha Therapy", Progress in Nuclear Science and Technology 2, 187 (2011).
YS. Horowitz, S. Siboni, L. Oster, J. Livinstone, S. Guatelli, A. B. Rosenfeld, D. Emfietzoglou, P. Bilski, B. Obryk, "Alpha particle and proton relative thermoluminescent efficiencies in LiF:Mg,
Cu, P: Is track structure theory up to the task?", Rad. Prot. Dos., Epub: 2011, Oct. 31.
S. Incerti, G. Baldacchino, M. Bernal, R. Capra, C. Champion, Z. Francis, S. Guatelli, P. Gueye, A. Mantero, B. Mascialino, P. Moretto, P. Nieminen, A. B. Rosenfeld, C. Villagrasa and C. Zacharatou, "The Geant4-DNA project", Int. J. Model. Simul. Sci. Comput. 1, 157 (2010).
M. A. R. Othman, M. Petasecca, S. Guatelli, J. Uher, D. G. Marinaro, D. A. Propokopovich, M. I. Reinhard, M. L. F. Lerch, J. Jakubek, S. Pospisil and A. B. Rosenfeld, "Neutron dosimeter based on Medipix2", IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci., Vol. 57(6), 3456 (2010).
M. A. R. Othman, D. G. Marinaro, M. Petasecca, S. Guatelli, D. Cutajar, M. L. F. Lerch, D. A. Prokopovich, M. I. Reinhard, J. Uher, J. Jakubek, S. Pospisil and A. B. Rosenfeld, "From Imaging to dosimetry: Geant4-based study on the application of Medipix to neutron dosimetry ", Rad. Meas., Vol. 45(10), 1355 (2010).
M. A. R. Othman, D. Cutajar, N. Hardcastle, S. Guatelli and A. B. Rosenfeld, "Monte Carlo study of MOSFET packaging, optimized for improved energy response: Single MOSFET filtration", Rad. Prot.
Dos., Vol. 41(1), 10 (2010).
M. U. Bug, E. Gargioni, S. Guatelli, S. Incerti, H. Rabus, R. Schulte and A. B. Rosenfeld, "Effect of a magnetic field on the track structure of low-energy electrons: a Monte Carlo study", European Physical Journal D, 2010, DOI:10.1140/epjd/e2010-00145-1, Published online:26 May 2010.
S. Dowdell, B. Claisie, A. Wroe, S. Guatelli, P. Metcalfe, R. Schulte, A. B. Rosenfeld, "Tissue equivalency of phantom materials for neutron dosimetry in protontherapy", Med. Phys, Vol. 36(12), 5412 (2009).
J. Mekki, L. Dusseau, M. Glaser, S. Guatelli, M. Moll, M. G. Pia and F. Ravotti, "Packaging effects on RadFET sensors for High Energy Physics Experiments", IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci., Vol. 56(4), 2061 (2009).
S. Guatelli, M. I. Reinhard, B. Mascialino, D. A. Prokopovich, A. S. Dzurak, M. Zaider and A. B. Rosenfeld, "Tissue equivalence correction in silicon microdosimetry for proton characteristics of the LEO space environment", IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci., Vol. 55, 3407 (2008).
A. J. Wroe, R. Schulte, V. Bashkirov, A. B. Rosenfeld, B. Keeney, P. Spraldin, H. F. W. Sadronzinski, B. Grosswendt, "Nanodosimetric Cluster Size Distribution of Therapeutic Proton Beams", IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci., Vol. 53(2), 532 (2006).
A. J. Wore, A. B. Rosenfeld, I. M. Cornelius, D. Prokopovich, M. Reinhard, R. Schulte, V. Bashkirov, "Silicon Microdosimetry in Heterogeneous Materials: Simulation & Experiment", IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci., Vol. 53 (6), 3738 (2006).
A. B. Rosenfeld, A. Wroe, M. Carolan, I. M. Cornelius, "Method of Monte Carlo verification in Hadron Therapy with non-tissue equivalent detectors", SSD2004 Special Issue Article, Rad. Prot. Dos., Vol. 116, 487 (2006).
A. J. Wroe, I. M. Cornelius and A. B. Rosenfeld, "The role of nonelastic reactions in absorbed dose distributions from therapeutic proton beams in different medium", Med. Phys., Vol. 32, 37 (2005).
A. J. Wroe, I. M. Cornelius, A. B. Rosenfeld, V. L. Pisacane, J. F. Ziegler, M. E. Nelson, F. Cucinotta, M. Zaider, J. F. Dicello, "Microdosimetry simulations of solar protons within a spacecraft", IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci., Vol. 52(6), 2591 (2005).
A. J. Wroe, I. M. Cornelius, A. B. Rosenfeld, "Role of inelastic reactions in absorbed dose distribution from proton therapeutic beam in different medium", Med. Phys. 32, 37 (2005).
R. W. Schulte, V. Bashkirov, M. C. Loss Klock, T. Li, A. J. Wroe, I. Evseev, D. C. Williams, T. Satogata, "Density resolution of proton computed tomography: Results of a Monte Carlo simulation study", Med. Phys., Vol. 32, 1035 (2005).
A. B. Rosenfeld, et al., "Edge-on face-to-face MOSFET for synchrotron microbeam dosimetry: MC modeling", IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci., Vol. 52(6), 2562 (2005).
A. B. Rosenfeld, A. Wroe, I. Cornelius, D. Alexiev, M. Reinhard, "Analysis of inelastic interactions for therapeutic proton beam using Monte Carlo simulations", IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci., Vol. 51(6), 319 (2004).
I. M. Cornelius, A. B. Rosenfeld, R. Siegele, D. D. Cohen, "LET dependence of the charge collection efficiency of silicon microdosimeters", IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci, Vol. 50 (6), 2373 (2003).
I. Cornelius, A. B. Rosenfeld and P. Bradley, "Simulation of silicon microdosimetry measurements in fast neutron therapy", Australasian Phys. & Eng. Sci. in Medicine, Vol. 25 (4), 168 (2002).
Teaching, learning Geant4: Publications
S. Guatelli, C. Layton, D. Cutajar and A. B. Rosenfeld, “Teaching Monte Carlo codes at University: Development of a Geant4 course for students of schools of physics”, Peer-reviewed conference publication, 2012 IEEE International Conference on Teaching, Assessment and Learning for Engineering (TALE), pages: W2C-11 – W2C-15.
S. Guatelli, C. Layton, D. Cutajar and A. B. Rosenfeld, “The Teaching/Research Nexus And Internationalisation: An Action Research Project In Radiation Physics”, Journal of University Teaching & Learning Practice, 7(2), 2010. Available on-line at:
S. Guatelli, C. Layton, D. Cutajar and A. B. Rosenfeld, “Transferring advanced physics research tools to education: how to teach simulation tools used in radiation physics research to university students”, Proceeding records, International Technology, Education and Development Conference(INTED2010), Valencia, Spain, 8-10 March 2010.