CMRP Geant4-based research
Geant4 is a Monte Carlo Simulation Toolkit describing the interactions of particles with matter. It is widely used in radiation physics research, from High Energy Physics to medical physics and space science.
At the Centre For Medical Radiation Physics Geant4 is widely used to:
- Investigate new radiotherapy treatments,
- Improve existing radiotherapy treatments,
- Design and optimise detector technology,
- Investigate new diagnostic imaging solutions.
Research Staff
The CMRP Geant4 group is managed by:
- Professor. A. B. Rosenfeld
- Dr. S. Guatelli and
- Dr. D. Cutajar.
- Karen Ford (administration)
More detailed information on the CMRP Geant4 group and research activities can be found in the following links:
- Geant4-based research projects
- CMRP computing facility
- Geant4-based articles
- Teaching and Learning Geant4
Past Geant4 events organised by CMRP
- 2013 2nd Australian Geant4 School and Monte Carlo Workshop
- 2011 1st Australian Geant4 School and Workshop
2nd Geant4 School and Monte Carlo Workshop, CMRP, UOW, April 2013