Autumn Subject Prospectus


Autumn Subjects

Sample Surveys and Experimental Design

Advanced Data Analysis

Statistical Consulting


Various year 3, honours, and masters subjects are shared between the various sites supported by the ASEARC project. These subjects are made available to provide the best learning experiences in the topic and to provide students with a wider subject selection for a career in statistics. The sharing between universities is reflected by both the means of delivery, the access grid technology (interactive media) or by distance learning, and by the sharing of content, where the university having just delivered the subject updates the notes and passes the updated notes to another university for the next session, and the exchange perpetuates.

These subjects from other universities are made available to students in addition to the normal core units. And year four and honors students may take these subjects as electives. Regardless, it is essential that students liaise with thier course coordinator concerning subjects to be taken.

What are they?

Sample Surveys & Experimental Design

Year 3 subject STAT335, delivered from the University of Wollongong to other Universities usuing the Access Grid Technology


Post graduate subject, delivered similar to STAT335, but with additional content including a project.

This subject develops skills in designing and analysing statistical investigations. Statistical computing is an essential part of the course. Topics covered: Experimental designs (completely randomised, randomised complete block, Latin Square, factorial); the analysis of the data arising from these designs; steps in conducting a sample survey; methods such as simple random sampling and stratified sampling, number raised and ratio estimation.

This subject is identified as STAT3170 in the University of Newcastle handbook and as STAT335 and STAT955 (post grad) in the University of Wollongong handbook.

Advanced Data Analysis

A post graduate subject only, delivered from the University of Wollongong to other Universities usuing the Access Grid Technology.

This subject covers a selection of topics from: Regression model building and checking; Causal modelling; Cluster analysis; Multi-dimensional scaling; Log-linear models; Generalised linear models; Time series methods; Principal components, Factor analysis; Canonical correlations; Statistical computer packages.

This subject is identified as Directed Studies generic subject at the University of Newcastle and as STAT902 in the University of Wollongong handbook.

Statistical Consulting

A post graduate subject only, delivered from the University of Wollongong to other Universities usuing the Access Grid Technology. This subject covers topics such as Project management; Client liaison; Problem identification; Consulting ethics and principles; Sources of data; Choosing design and analysis procedures; Common problems in statistical consulting; Setting sample size - power calculations; Consulting case studies; Report writing.This subject is identified as Directed Studies generic subject at the University of Newcastle and as STAT904 in the University of Wollongong handbook.

The Access Grid (AGR)

he AGR technology has been described as video-conferencing on steroids. The lecturer in one location (say Wollongong) will have a class of local students as well as a "virtual" classroom in another location (say Newcastle). While students in Wollongong have the usual visual and audio interaction with the lecturer, students in Newcastle will be able to view the lecturer on a big screen, hear what is being said, and instantly view notations on a whiteboard in their room as the notations are written on a whiteboard in Wollongong. Likewise, the lecturer and students in Wollongong will be able to hear and see the students in Newcastle and receive any notes made on whiteboard in Newcastle. This may seem a little strange at first but the technology aims to simulate the usual classroom experience and students in previous classes seemed to adapt very quickly.

For further description on the AGR, please refer to the information on how the subjects will be run, please refer to the "Subjects delivered by interactive media" page.