Fifth Annual ASEARC Research Conference | 2012
Looking to the future
The fifth annual ASEARC Research Conference will be hosted by the University of Wollongong in February 2012. The Fifth conference would normally be held late 2011 but has been held over to February 2012 to avoid clashing with a major Biometrics conference to be held December 2011 at Kiama.
Conference themes
With the ASEARC project concluding in 2012, this conference is expected to be the last annual conference. Accordingly the theme of the conference is current issues and looking towards the future. Some of the issues suggested for this year include -
- Climate
- Informatics
- Bioinformatics
- Biostatistics
- Health
- Large data sets
- Bayesian
- Education
- Consulting
- Inference
- Mixtures
- Geospatial Statistics
- Data visualisation
There will be a final end of project conference later in 2012.
A Conference Program with full details of times, sessions, and presentations will be provided when available.
Conference Program
Conference keynote speakers include:
- A/Prof Olivier Thas, Department of Applied Mathematics, Biometrics and Process Control, University of Gent, Belgium
- Prof Geoff McLachlan, Director, Centre for Statistics, University of Queensland, Brisbane
- Prof Christine O'Keefe, Program Director, Business Services and Anlytics, CSIRO
- Phillip Gould, Director, Methodology and Data Management Division, ABS
Conference Details
The conference schedule can be viewed here.
Conference Outcomes
Conference program and papers
View conference program including papers and abstracts.
Cengage kindly donated 2 book prizes each worth $200, for the best presentation by students. The winners were:
Sarah Neville | University of Wollongong
Semiparametric longitudinal analysis via mean field variational Bayes
Fatimah Saaid | University of Newcastle
Change Points Detection of Vector Autoregressive Model using SDVAR Algorithm
Conference photos
View photos from the conference.
Conference papers and documentation
Conference papers and documentation for the 5th annual conference can be downloaded from the Papers and Publications page when they become available.