3rd Annual Research Conference

Third Annual ASEARC Research Conference | 2009

Teaching and Modelling in Statistics

The statistics group at the University of Newcastle has the pleasure of inviting you to the third Annual ASEARC Research Conference. It will be held at the University on December 7th and 8th, 2009.


Our focus is on two themes: World-renowned researchers from both Australia and abroad will give invited presentations, including

  • Dr Jennifer Brown, Dept of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Canterbury
  • Mike Camden, Statistics New Zealand, and Education Committee of New Zealand Statistical Association
  • Dr Rosaria Lombardo, Dept of Business Strategies and Quantitative Methodologies, Second University of Naples
  • Dr Olivier Thas, Dept of Applied Mathematics, Biometrics and Process Control, Ghent University

ASEARC 2009 Proceedings


Alice Richardson
"Retention of knowledge between statistics courses: results of a pilot study"

Almah Saaid, Robert King, Darfiana Nur
"Development of Users? Call Profiles using Unsupervised Random Forest"

Anna Macdonald,Carl Scarrott, Dominic Lee
"Bayesian Inference for an Extreme Value Mixture Model"

Anthony Bedford, Cliff Da Costa, and Sam Glasson
"Improving and contextualising statistics service teaching: An online module-based teaching and assessment tool for statistical laboratory sessions"

Ben Dean, Robert A. R. King
"Versatile Regression: simple regression with a non-normal error distribution"

Eric Beh
"A Few Moments for Simple Correspondence Analysis"

Frank Tuyl
"Diagnostic testing: a simple approximate interval for the positive predictive value"

James Baglin, C. Da Costa
"Integrated Statistical Inference: The Amalgamation of Conventional and Bayesian Statistical Inference in Introductory Statistics Courses"

James Dawber, Jennifer Brown, Beverley Horn
"Performing a Quantitative Microbial Risk Analysis Using Second Order Monte Carlo Simulation"

Jennifer Brown, Timothy Robinson
"Assessing uncertainty in environmental sampling"

John Best, John Rayner, Oliver Thas
"Nonparametric Tests for Randomized Block Data with Ties and Ordered Alternatives"

John Rayner, Paul Rippon
"Testing the Poisson Regression Model"

Katherine Uylangco, Steve Easton
"Pricing Wesfarmers Partially Protected Shares"

Kaye Marion
"Teaching Statistical Consulting: Enabling skills transfer and adding value"

Liz Stojanovski, Ian Robinson
"Extensions to Poisson Regression for Hospital Admissions data"

Mike Camden
"Engaging learners in statistical education: some 'whys' and 'hows'"

Paul van Staden, M.T.(Theodor) Loots
"Method of L-moment estimation for the generalized lambda distribution"

Peter Howley, Stephen Hancock, Megan Ford
"Monitoring Clinical Indicators"

Peter Howley
"Winning them over"

Richard Ryall, Anthony Bedford
"Scheduling in Australian Rules Football: Does it Affect Performance?"

Rosaria Lombardo, Eric J. Beh
"Simple and Multiple Ordered Correspondence Analysis to Evaluate Customer Satisfaction"

Sam Glasson, Anthony Bedford
"Modelling the survival of elite Australian Rules Footballers"