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You see then, there are two methods of Education; the end of the one is to be philosophical, of the other to be mechanical; the one rises towards general ideas, the other is exhausted upon what is particular and external......We are instructed, for instance, in manual exercises, in the fine and useful arts, in trades, and in ways of business; for these are methods, which have little or no effect on the mind itself, are committed to memory, to tradition, or to use, and bear upon an end external to themselves. But education is a higher word; it implies an action on our mental nature, and the formation of a character; it is something individual and permanent.
                                                                                                         - John Henry Newman


Rodney Nillsen, Can the love of learning be taught?, Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice, 2 (3), 2005, pp. 96-105.

Rodney Nillsen, The concept of integrity in teaching and learning, Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice, 2 (3), 2005, pp. 96-105.