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na_syslog.conf - syslogd configuration file


The syslog.conf file is the configuration file for the syslogd daemon (see na_syslogd(8)). It consists of lines with two fields separated by tabs or spaces:


The selector field specifies the types of messages and priorities to which the line applies. The action field specifies the action to be taken if a message the syslogd daemon receives matches the selection criteria.

The selector field is encoded as a facility, a period (``.''), and a level , with no intervening white-space. Both the facility and the level are case insensitive.

The facility describes the part of the system generating the message, and is one of the following keywords: auth, cron, daemon, kern and local7. Here's a short description of each facility keyword:

Messages generated by the filer kernel.

System daemons, such as the rshd daemon (see na_rshd(8)), the routing daemon (see na_routed(1)), the SNMP daemon (see na_snmpd(8)), etc.

The authentication system, e.g. messages logged for Telnet sessions.

The system's internal cron facility.

The system's audit logging facility. All messages coming from the audit logging facility are logged at level debug.

The level describes the severity of the message, and is a keyword from the following ordered list (higher to lower): emerg, alert, crit, err, warning, notice, info, and debug.

Here is a short description of each level keyword:

A panic condition that results in the disruption of normal service.

A condition that should be corrected immediately, such as a failed disk.

Critical conditions, such as hard disk errors.

Errors, such as those resulting from a bad configuration file.

Warning messages.

Conditions that are not error conditions, but that may require special handling.

Informational messages, such as the hourly uptime message (see na_uptime(1)).

Debug messages used for diagnostic purposes. These messages are supressed by default.

If a received message matches the specified facility and is of the specified level (or a higher level ), the action specified in the action field will be taken.

Multiple selectors may be specified for a single action by separating them with semicolon (``;'') characters. It is important to note, however, that each selector can modify the ones preceding it.

Multiple facilities may be specified for a single level by separating them with comma (``,'') characters.

An asterisk (``*'') can be used to specify all facilities (except local7) or all levels .

The special level none disables a particular facility .

The action field of each line specifies the action to be taken when the selector field selects a message. There are four forms:

A pathname (beginning with a leading slash).
Selected messages are appended to the specified file.

A hostname (preceded by an at (``@'') sign).
Selected messages are forwarded to the syslogd daemon on the named host.

/dev/console. Selected messages are written to the

An asterisk. Selected messages are written to the

Blank lines and lines whose first non-blank character is a pound (``#'') character are ignored.

It is recommended that all /etc/syslog.conf files include the line

  *.info          /etc/messages

so that all messages are logged to the /etc/messages file.


A configuration file might appear as follows:

  # Log all kernel messages, and anything of level err or
  # higher to the console.
  *.err;kern.*                  /dev/console

  # Log anything of level info or higher to /etc/messages.
  *.info                        /etc/messages

  # Also log the messages that go to the console to a remote
  # loghost system called adminhost.
  *.err;kern.*                  @adminhost

  # Also log the messages that go to the console to the local7
  # facility of another remote loghost system called adminhost2
  # at level info.
  *.err;kern.*                  local7.info@adminhost2

  # The /etc/secure.message file has restricted access.
  auth.notice                   /etc/secure.message

Also see the sample configuration file in /etc/syslog.conf.sample


The syslogd configuration file. /etc/syslog.conf.sample Sample syslogd configuration file.


The effects of multiple selectors are sometimes not intuitive. For example ``daemon.crit,*.err'' will select ``daemon'' facility messages at the level of ``err'' or higher, not at the level of ``crit'' or higher.


na_syslogd(8), na_messages(5)

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