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na_bootfs - boot file system accessor command (ADVANCED)


bootfs chkdsk disk

bootfs core [ -v ] disk

bootfs dir [ -r ] path

bootfs dump { disk | drive } { sector | cluster }

bootfs fdisk disk partition1sizeMB [ partition2sizeMB ] [ partition3sizeMB ] [ partition4sizeMB ]

bootfs format drive [ label ]

bootfs info disk

bootfs sync [ -f ] { disk | drive }

bootfs test [ -v ] disk


The bootfs command allows content viewing and format manipulation of the the boot device.

Using the bootfs command, you may perform four important functions. You may check the integrity of the boot device via the chkdsk subcommand. You may view the contents of your boot device via the dir , dump , and info subcommands. You may alter the partition sizes and format types present on the boot device via the fdisk subcommand. You may reformat the partitions present on the boot device via the format command. You may sync all in memory contents to the physical media via the sync subcommand. Lastly, you may diagnose the health of your boot device via the test subcommand.


Turns on verbose output.

Recursively lists directories and files.

A path consists of a drive, optional directories, and an optional file name. Directories are separated by a /. To discover your boot drive's name, use " bootfs help subcommand ".

A disk is a physical object, probably a compact flash in this case. A disk name is generally of the form [PCI slot number]a.0, e.g. 0a.0. To discover your boot disk's name, use " bootfs help subcommand ".

A drive is a formatted partition on the disk. A disk may contain up to four drives. A drive name is generally of the form [PCI slot number]a.0:[partition
e.g. 0a.0:1:. To discover your boot drive's name, use " bootfs help sub_command ".

Disks are divided into sectors. Sectors are based at 0.

Drives are divided into clusters. Clusters are based at 2, though the root directory can be thought to reside at cluster 0.

The size of partition N in megabytes. There can be at most four partitions per disk.

An 11-character or less string which names the drive.


The bootfs command cannot be used on a clustered system's partner.


The dir subcommand lists all files and subdirectories contained in the path provided. The information presented for each file and subdirectory is (in this column order) name, size, date, time, and cluster.

bootfs dir 0a.0:1:/x86/kernel/

    Volume Label in Drive 0a.0:1: is KERNEL
    Volume Serial Number is 716C-E9F8
    Directory of 0a.0:1:/x86/kernel/

   .                                      DIR  02-07-2003   2:37a     2
   ..                                     DIR  02-07-2003   2:37a     3
   PRIMARY.KRN                        9318400  04-07-2003   6:53p     4

                   2187264 bytes free

The dump subcommand lists either a sector on a disk or a cluster on a drive, depending on the command line arguments provided. The sector or cluster is listed in both hexadecimal and ASCII form.

bootfs dump 0a.0 110

  sector 110 absolute byte 0xdc00 on disk 0a.0

        00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f   0123456789abcdef
  0000  00 90 ba 5e b4 01 00 80 7b 0c 00 7d 05 ba 51 b4   ...^....{..}..Q.
  0010  01 00 83 7b 04 00 74 0a 8b 47 24 a3 dc ce 01 00   ...{..t..G$.....
  0020  eb 0a c7 05 dc ce 01 00 00 00 e0 fe 83 c4 fc ff   ................
  0030  35 dc ce 01 00 52 68 80 b4 01 00 e8 26 b0 ff ff   5....Rh.....&...
  0040  a1 dc ce 01 00 8b 90 f0 00 00 00 80 ce 01 89 90   ................

  bootfs dump 0a.0:1: 5

  cluster 5 absolute byte 0x25a00 on drive 0a.0:1:

        00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f   0123456789abcdef
  0000  0a 19 12 00 19 0f 00 01 00 64 00 00 00 00 00 00   .........d......
  0010  a1 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00   ................
  0020  00 00 00 00 5a 44 5a 44 00 10 00 00 00 00 01 b0   ....ZDZD........
  0030  20 04 00 10 20 05 00 01 20 06 00 02 20 07 00 13    ... ... ... ...
  0040  fc ef 00 00 fc b1 20 80 fc d0 20 80 4a 63 c0 55   ...... ... .Jc.U

The fdisk subcommand creates drives within a disk. A maximum of four drives may be created per disk. The sum of the drives must be less than the size of the disk. Note that most disk manufacturers define a megabyte as 1000*1000 bytes, resulting in a disk being smaller than the size advertised (for example, a 32 MB disk is really 30.5 MB). Performing an fdisk destroys all data on the disk.

bootfs fdisk 0a.0 30

The format subcommand formats a drive to the FAT file system standard. A drive must be formatted before it can store files.

bootfs format 0a.0:1: NETAPP

The info subcommand prints information about a disk. The location of various elements and sizes of sections is displayed.

bootfs info 0a.0

            partition:           1           2           3           4
          file system:        0x01        0x01        0x01        0x01
    bytes per cluster:        4096        4096        4096        4096
   number of clusters:        2809        2809        2042         251
          total bytes:    11534336    11534336     8388608     1048576
         usable bytes:    11501568    11501568     8359936     1024000
           free bytes:    11505664    11505664     8364032     1028096
         FAT location:         512         512         512         512
        root location:        9728        9728        6656        1536
        data location:       26112       26112       23040       17920

The test subcommand read and writes to/from every byte on the disk. The test subcommand can be used if you suspect your disk is faulty. A faulty disk would, for example, result in a download command failure.

bootfs test -v 0a.0


  disk 0a.0 passed I/O test



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