Parents and carers

Choosing a uni and an area of study can be an overwhelming and confusing time for both students and parents. When you have the right information at hand, there are many ways to help your child make a smooth transition from school to uni. You'll find links to everything you need to know on this page. If it's not here, reach out and we'll answer your questions.

We recommend taking the time to look at UOW and see, not only the courses we offer and how we support and nurture our students before, during and after their time at UOW, but how we stand for purpose; working to solve global challenges and to promote harmony and social cohesion. Our ambition for our graduates is that they will be ethical, agile thinkers who are competitive in a global economy. And that their experiences at UOW will shape their sense of self as well as their future career.

Choosing the right subjects

A student's journey to uni begins when they select their subjects for the senior years of high school. Helping them choose the right subjects to study in their final school years is essential.

Be sure your child studies subjects that they are good at, will enjoy and prepare them for further study. UOW holds Year 10 Subject Selection events in the early part of each year, and you will find details of these on our future student events page.

Getting the information they (and you) need

The UOW Course Finder is the portal to information on our undergraduate degrees. You can search by study area, career, ATAR or campus location.

The ATAR-based admission page provides information on how high school students apply to university, including details on adjustment factors. You can also find information on alternative entry pathways provided by UOW.


Upcoming events for parents and carers

Future Talk

  • Online via Zoom
  • Once a month from March to October
  • Mondays 7-8 pm

Year 12 can be a particularly stressful time for students and family/carers. The pressure to succeed and make post-school decisions can be overwhelming for students and those who are trying to support them on their Year 12 journey. Future Talk is a series of online information sessions designed specifically for a student's support crew. If you're a parent or carer who is navigating the HSC with your child, we've got your back.


Will your child be moving to Wollongong?

Relocating for uni provides students with many opportunities to meet people from all over the world, make discoveries about the world and themselves, and figure out what they stand for. As a city filled with students, Wollongong is the perfect place for your child to begin the next chapter of their lives.

Find out more about moving to Wollongong

Contact us

Do you have a question about studying with UOW? We're here to help.