Rethink your purchases

Waste management isn't just about putting the right things in the correct bins - it is about avoiding waste in the first place.  Before you purchase items at university or at home, please stop and think about your purchase and ways you can avoid waste.

  • Do you really need it? 
  • Is it reusable?  Avoid single use items and choose to reuse.
  • Does it need to be brand new or can I buy it second hand? 
  • Can you borrow it instead?
  • Can it be composted or recycled at the end of its useful life?  
  • Is it locally made?
  • Does it have minimal packaging?
  • Does the item have an environmental and socially responsible accreditation? 
  • Is it made from recycled or organic materials?
  • Will it have minimal impact on the environment when used?
  • Is it good value for money in that it is of a good quality and durable?
  • Does it support health and wellbeing?